
Oracy is an essential part of effective communication and learning. It helps us express our thoughts, listen actively, and engage in meaningful conversations.

Our Oracy curriculum is designed to:

  • Encourage a love for speaking and listening, and curiosity about different ways to communicate
  • Build confidence in expressing ideas clearly, listening actively, and responding thoughtfully through use of our discussion guidelines
  • Develop skills in conversation, presentation, and debate
  • Support working independently and collaboratively in verbal activities through use of different groupings to support different types of talk
  • Help children apply their oracy skills across all areas of learning

Our curriculum follows a structured approach to developing oracy skills. We use sentence stems, a range of discussion groupings, and role-playing activities to teach children how to articulate their ideas, listen to others, and engage in constructive dialogue. By focusing on these communication skills, children build a strong foundation for effective speaking and listening, enhancing their overall learning experience.